DrugsControl Media Services

Drug Storage as per IP and Product Labelling

1. In a Frozen State: Ceftazidime Inj
2° to 8° C: Antisera
 Biphasic Isophane Insulin Inj
 BCG Vaccine
 Carbenicillin Sodium Inj. [Biopence™ Carbelin™ Pyopen™]
 Carboprost Tromethamine Inj. USP [Endoprost™, Prostodin™]
 Desferrioxamine Mesylate Inj. [Desferal 0.5 g™]
 Dilzem™ Inj.
 Dinoprostone Gel [Cerviprime 0.5mg.™Primiprost™]
 Ergometrine Maleate Inj.
 Gas-Gangrene Antitoxin (Oedematiens)
 Gas-Gangrene Antitoxin (Perfringes)
 Gas-Gangrene Antitoxin (Septicum)
 Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine (H B Vac™ Enivac HB™ Engerrix B™
 Heppacine-B™ Shanvac-B™) 
 Human Normal Immunoglobulin [Histaglobulin ™ (lyophillised) 
 Insulin Inj. (e.g. Insuman ™ 50/50)
 Measles Vaccine, Live (M-Vac™)
 Methylergometrine Maleate Inj.
 Mixed Gas Gangrene Antitoxin 
 Plague Vaccine
 Poliomyelitis Vaccine, Live (oral)[Polio Sabin™ Oral Polio™]
 Protamine Sulphate Inj.
 Rabies Anti-serum-Equine
 Rabies Immuno Globulin (Human) EP [Kamrab™]
 Rabies Vaccine Human (Neural Tissue)
 Rabies Vaccine, Human (Cell Culture)[Abhayrab™]
 Recombinant Streptokinase (r-Streptokinase) Inj. 1,500,000 IU
 Rho (D) Immune Globulin (Human) 50µg, 150µg, 300µg    
 Rubell Vaccine Live BP [R-Vac™ (lyophillised)]
 Schick Control
 Schick Test Toxin
 Scorpion Venom Antiserum
 Snake Venom Antiserum
 Soluble Insulin Inj.
 Streptokinase Inj. [Embokinase™ Kabikinase™ Streptase™]
 Succinylcholine Chloride Inj. [Midarine™ Scoline™]
 Tetanus Immunoglobulin BP (Human) [Tetglob™]
 Tetanus Vaccine (Adsorbed)
 Typhoid Paratyphoid A Vaccine
 Typhoid Vaccine Oral [Typhoral™]
 Typhoid Vaccine [Typhim VI™]
 Typhus Vaccine
 Vasopressin Inj. [Petresin™]
 Vinblastine Sulphate Inj. [Cytoblastin™]
 Vincristine Sulphate Inj. [Cytocristn™ Vincristine™ Oncristine AQ™]
 Yellow Fever Vaccine, Live
3. Below 10° C: Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine, Human (Mouse Brain)
 Methylprednisolone Acetate Inj.
4. At a temp. Not exceeding 20° C: Chorionic Gonadotrophin Inj.
 (Pubergen 2000 IU ™)
5. Between 2° & 25° C: Human Plasma Protein Fraction
6. Between 20° & 30° C: Mannitol Inj.
7. In a Refrigerator: Velocite ™ & Pregcolor ™ Test Kits
8. 23° or below: Desferrioxamine Inj.
9. Store below 30°: Dobutamine Inj. USP 50 mg/ml
 Propofol Inj.™
10. Store in Cool Place: Heparin Inj.
 Morphine Inj.
11. To Be Stored Below 25° C: Cefotaxime Sodium Inj.
 Cefuroxime Sodium Inj.
 Dopamine Hydrochloride Inj. USP [Dopasys™]
 Enoxaparin Sodium Inj.
 Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin [Profasi™]
 Human Normal Albumin Soln [Alburel™]
 Menotrophin (hMG)[Pergonal 75™]
 Meropenam Inj.
 Naloxone Inj. 400mcg/ml
 Nifedipine Sustained Release Tab (Calcigard-10 Retard Tab™)
 Urofolliotrophin (FSH) 75 IU [Metrodin 75]




1. Should not be allowed to freeze

Antisera Inj. Cortisone Acetate Inj.
Fluorouracil Inj.
Gas Gangrene Antitoxin (Oedematiens)
Gas-Gangrene Antitoxin (Perfringens)
Gas-Gangrene Antitoxin (Septicum)
Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine [H B Vac™ Inj., Shanvac-B™]
Histaglobulin™ [lyophillised]
Methylprednisolone Acetate Inj.
Mixed Gas-Gangrene Antitoxin
Oxytocin Inj.
Plague Vaccine
Rabies Vaccine, Human (Neural Tissue)
Scorpion Venom Antiserum
Snake Venom Antiserum
Succinylcholine Chloride Inj.
Typhoid Paratyphoid A Vaccine
Typhoid Vaccine

2. Avoid Long Exposure above 30° C

Cyclophosphamide Inj.


Compiled By: MR. C. B. Gupta
11/90, Kaveri Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur-302020
E-mail- guptacb@gmail.com